Plumbing cabinet for float tank
Finally finished with the making of four 12ft signs for neighborhood and working on the NEW DIY Sensory Deprivation Float Pod. Here is the plumbing cabinet completed except for doors and outside finish. The yellow pump is a magnetic drive pump and it pumps water from the lower float tank into the tall filter tube which is a triple capacity mechanical filter. From there it flows into a Balboa spa heater controlled by a controller with 1f accuracy. Heated water then goes through an Ultraviolet light sterilizing unit and through a Venturi than adds ozone via corona discharge unit and finally back into the tank. The whole cabinet sits on top of the float tank so that any leak or system failure will drain directly back into the main tank without drama of flooding the room as happened in my old pod. I never want 900 lbs of Epsom salt with 150 gallons of water on my shop floor again :-)